Medical Credentialing


The insurance credentialing process is what each provider or facility must go through in order to become a participating provider with a particular insurance company. The goal is to become in-network and prevent your patients from having claims go towards their out-of-network deductible.


Maintaining a National Provider Identifier (NPI) as an individual and as a medical group is vital. Along with enrolling and updating your information in the Medicare Provider Enrollment System. We can also assist with registration and attest to the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program.


Understanding the terms and provisions in a payer contract is key to maximizing reimbursement, preventing denials, and operating a smooth revenue cycle.

Contact Us


12000 Network Blvd.
Suite 410
San Antonio, TX 78249

Monday-Friday: 8am - 5pm

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